The Project
General intent
The project aims to build on the lessons learnt during the COVID-19 emergency period and in (some of) the 1st phase P- 8 projects (2019-2020) promoted by USI – Università della Svizzera italiana, SUPSI – Scuola Universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana, and UNILU – University of Lucern, in order to design and implement a series of shared training and coaching activities related to the digital skills needed by the different publics of the partner institutions: students, lecturers, researchers (including PhD students and postdoctoral researchers) and administrative/scientific collaborators.
The general objectives of the training activities are to raise the awareness about the importance of the proposed digital skills in the addressed publics, to build the corresponding skills in them.
The majority of the courses courses is adressed to the members of the three univerisities (USI, SUPSI and UNILU). Certain activities/events will be open to the general public.
The training activities will be designed and delivered in different formats: they may be offered either entirely in presence or online or in a hybrid version; they will include, among others, academic courses, summer schools, workshops/webinars, public events, and coaching activities.
In general terms, the contents will orbit around the following topics (but not exclusively):
- instructional design for online teaching
- security in the digital world
- academic integrity in the digital world
- legal aspects of online teaching and learning
- online evaluation; digital media production;
- learning analytics; creating an effective video lesson
- managing the workload in online activities
- tools and methodologies for research data handling
- tools and methodologies for data visualization
- tools and methodologies for online interaction
- effective use of digital tools for the universities’ administrations