Universities as learning communities:
the path to digital transformation
“Universities as learning communities: the path to digital transformation” is a joint project by USI-Università della Svizzera italiana, SUPSI – Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana and UNILU – University of Lucerne. The project is financed by swissuniversities within the P-8 programme “Strengthening Digital Skills” (2021-2024).
It aims to build on the lessons learnt during the COVID-19 emergency period and in (some of) the 1st phase P-8 projects (2019-2020) promoted by USI, SUPSI and UNILU, in order to design and implement a series of shared training and coaching activities related to the digital skills needed by the different publics of the partner institutions: students, lecturers, researchers (including PhD students and postdoctoral researchers) and administrative/scientific collaborators.